Test Driven Development (TDD) by example

Tahin Rahman
4 min readApr 25, 2018

Contrary to popular belief, TDD is not a testing process. It is a design process. It’s a robust way of designing software components interactively, one unit at a time, by making sure that the individual component’s behavior is specified through unit tests beforehand.

I have discussed at length about the mindset one should have prior to applying TDD in my last story. You can read it from the link below.

The mindset behind Test Driven Development (TDD)

In this story we'll see what a basic implementation of TDD looks like. Note that, I will not cover the nitty-gritty of unit testing which includes concepts like setting up tests, mocking, different types of assertion etc. I will try to portray the idea as programming language and unit testing framework agnostically as possible. However, I will be using JavaScript throughout my example.

Let’s say we have to write a function that will take ’n’ as a parameter and will return the ‘nth’ Fibonacci number in the Fibonacci series. Can we do that using TDD approach? Let’s try.

First, let’s write our first test.

/FibonacciSpec.jsit('should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number', () => {

Now if we run the above test we will get the following output.

Fibonacci should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number
ReferenceError: getNthFibonacci is not defined

Obviously, we will get an error as we didn’t define any getNthFibonacci method yet. Let’s write the method.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {


Now, if we run the test, we will get –

Fibonacci should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number
Expected undefined to be 0.

Our getNthFibonacci method is not returning the right value. In fact, it’s not returning anything. Let’s fix that and run the test.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {
return 0;
should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number

Hoorah!!! Now the test has passed. Let’s write our second test and run it.

/FibonacciSpec.jsit(‘should return 1 as the 2nd Fibonacci number’, () => {
Fibonacci should return 1 as the 2nd Fibonacci number
Expected 0 to be 1.

Opps, the test has failed again. Let’s make changes in our code to pass this test and run the test again.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {
return n — 1;
should return 1 as the 2nd Fibonacci number

Great!!! Our 2nd test has passed.

Now, let’s write our 3rd test and run it.

/FibonacciSpec.jsit(‘should return 1 as the 3rd Fibonacci number’, () => {
Fibonacci should return 1 as the 3rd Fibonacci number
Expected 2 to be 1.

Let’s write code to pass this test.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {
if (n > 2) {
return getNthFibonacci (n — 1) + getNthFibonacci (n — 2);
return n — 1;
should return 1 as the 3rd Fibonacci number

Let’s write another test to solidify our Fibonacci generation logic and run it.

/FibonacciSpec.jsit(‘should return 8 as the 7th Fibonacci number’, () => {
should return 8 as the 7th Fibonacci number

Looks like our logic is fine. This is a good time to do a refactor. Let’s refactor this code to improve its readability and run all the tests.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {
return (n === 1 || n === 2) ? n — 1
: getNthFibonacci (n — 1) + getNthFibonacci (n — 2);
should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number
should return 1 as the 2nd Fibonacci number should return 1 as the 3rd Fibonacci number should return 8 as the 7th Fibonacci number

Looks great. However, we want our getNthFibonacci method to throw an error if the ’n’ is 0 or a negative number. Let’s write few tests for that and run them.

/FibonacciSpec.jsit(‘should throw an error when n is 0’, () => {
expect(() => getNthFibonacci(0)).toThrowError(‘n cannot be 0 or a negative number’);
it(‘should throw an error when n is a negative number’, () => {
expect(() => getNthFibonacci(-3)).toThrowError(‘n cannot be 0 or a negative number’);
Fibonacci should throw an error when n is 0
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Fibonacci should throw an error when n is a negative number
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

We need to write some code to handle these situations.

/Fibonacci.jsfunction getNthFibonacci (n) {
if (n <= 0) throw new Error(‘n cannot be 0 or a negative number’)

return (n === 1 || n === 2) ? n — 1
: getNthFibonacci (n — 1) + getNthFibonacci (n — 2);
should return 0 as the 1st Fibonacci number
should return 1 as the 2nd Fibonacci number
should return 1 as the 3rd Fibonacci number
should return 8 as the 7th Fibonacci number
should throw an error when n is 0
should throw an error when n is a negative number

Marvelous!!! Looks like we have a solid getNthFibonacci method with a concrete set of tests. We just finished development of a simple Fibonacci number generating function using TDD approach.

Some random photo of rejoice, by Robert Collins on Unsplash

That’s about it. Hope you got a decent idea and more importantly overcome your fear about TDD after completing this series. So, start using TDD before it’s too late, and don’t forget to have fun. Peace 👍

